Are you trying to sell your property right now and not getting the interest levels you hoped for? Are viewing figures down? When you initially launched to the market, were you hit with a stampede of interest, or was it more like tumbleweeds? Read this article to figure out if your property is overpriced.
Selling your home is a huge process with endless decisions that need to be made. Often, there will be months of thinking and researching before you even take the plunge and put your property on the market, so it can be disheartening to spend all that time thinking about moving, only to finally get the ball rolling and nothing happens.
When a property is launched to the market, there will be various promotional mailouts, matches and new property alerts to inform the buyers that there is a new property available. This is likely the busiest time for any property on the market, so it can be disappointing when, with all of that promotion, no one comes to view.
Why is that? Surely, there is someone out there looking to buy a lovely home like yours? The agents and websites have pushed your property out to as many potential buyers as possible, but still, nothing.
Unfortunately, if there is no interest from this initial launch, the culprit is often the price of the property. This issue stems back to your valuation appointments before you even chose your agent or decided to sell. If your initial launch to the market has not been successful, your property could have been overvalued.
Over-valuing a property may seem stupid; after all, the agent will not get paid if they can't sell your home, right? But it is a far more frequent issue than you might think; here's why:
If you have not had the response from the market that you were hoping for, it might be worth really looking at the price of the property and the initial valuation information that you were given at the valuation appointments. Now you have been on the market, you have tested the figure and know that it wasn't quite right, so it is the perfect time to reassess things and relaunch the marketing of your property with a new strategy.
Get in touch with our team of property experts for a no-obligation assessment of your current marketing to drill down into the reason that you haven't sold.